CrossFit Pyro 2nd annual fitness festival, Pyromania II is happening Saturday July 22nd for individual athletes and Sunday July 23rd for teams. That’s right, this year we’re adding a second day for teams competition. We’ll be taking 40 athletes (20 males, 20 females) for individuals and 10 teams of 4 (2 males and 2 females) for the teams competition. More details coming soon. Stay tuned



5 back squats (build to max)


10min AMRAP

2 ring muscle ups
5 V-sit ups
10 burpees


There won’t be regular weightlifting at 5pm this Thursday as we’ll be watching the CrossFit games Open live. We’ll be doing Thursday’s session will be Wednesday as part of the regular programming. This is only for the 1st week of the Open, the next 4 weeks will be back to regular schedule


Overhead squats (build to max)

Clean and jerk (Not tng but close together)

Bench press (build to max)

Acc. work

Front rack sots presses (Light)

50 sit ups

Classes at 0900/1000 and Open gym at 1100

Checkout the new page added to the website “Programs”

Today we have a special workout for you. Just like at the 2007 CrossFit games, we’ll be doing a “Hopper” style workout. Those coming at 0900 will be given pieces of paper and mark them with workout components. We’ll draw the workout style, rounds or time, rep scheme and weight randomly. This is going to be epic

“The Hopper”

No kids ninja zone today
The Open starts this Thursday, we’ll be watching the workout announcement live at Pyro, crush the workout and then make sure you stick around for some refreshments. If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time, you have until next Monday. The programming this week will be just like usual, make sure you take it easy before Thursday, it doesn’t mean to do nothing, scale down the weight, volume and change movements to an easier version that way you’ll be fresh for the workout. If you can’t make it Thursday don’t worry, you’ll have your chance at other times until Monday. We’ll be talking about the open all week during classes and we’ll be posting more details on our FB community page and the website.


8 min AMRAP

15 box jumps 24/20
10 deadlifts 155/115
5 inverted burpees

2 min rest

6 min AMRAP

15 kettlebell swings 53/35
10 wall balls 20/14
5 wall climbs

2 min rest

4 min AMRAP

15 squats
10 toes to bar
5 pull ups

Weightlifting W5D3

10 sets (Build to max)

1 hang squat snatch
1 snatch
1 overhead squat

Snatch pull @ 110% of Snatch 1RM (Fixed weight)

1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (7)

Front squats (Build to max)

2-2-2-2-2 (5)

Note: Aim for 95% of 1RM clean and jerk

Acc work

Bulgarian split squats (Fixed weight)

10-10-10 (5 per side)

Firebreather gold requirement workout


For time:

21 thrusters 115/85
12 rope climbs
15 thrusters 115/85
9 rope climbs
9 thrusters 115/85
6 rope climbs


3 rounds for time:

25ft dumbbell (DB) overhead walking lunges 50/35
20 DB deadlifts 50/35
25ft DB overhead walking lunges 50/35
15 DB power snatch 50/35
25ft DB overhead walking lunges 50/35
10 ring push ups


Tabata Paralettes L-sit hold

Weightlifting W5D2

Snatch balance (build to max)

Push press (build to max)

Split jerk (build to max)

Acc. work (technique work)

Tall split jerk (keep it light)


For time:

500 double unders

Every minutes on the minute 3 bodyweight front squats


Full body stretch + roll

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