We hope you enjoyed the 1st week of weightlifting. This was just the beginning. The 1st week brought us back to basics, muscle snatch and muscle clean with some push presses and push jerks. As we move ahead further into the programming, we’re going to break down the movements at multiple positions like the high hang and hang. More accessory work is added to develop core stability and strength. Our programming is based on world class programming that’s proven to work and get you results. If you feel like you need to adapt a few movements, it’s just like any fitness workouts, it can be scaled down and can be scaled up but the intent is still the same. We’ll talk more about this in class this week. Now, let’s hop on the gain train


Burgener warm up

High hang snatch (Work to max)

Snatch (3 sec pause at the hang, work to max)

Snatch (Full, work to max)

Snatch pulls @110% of today’s full snatch (Fixed weight)

Front squat (60/70/80/90/90% or 1 RM clean and jerk)

Acc. work
3 sets of each
20 GHD sit ups
20 back extension
10 clean grip sots presses

Note: You’re probably freaking out “How am I gonna fit all this in 1 hour?”, get to work:0)

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