Reminder: Pyro meet Friday at 6pm, don’t forget to sign in on the sheet by the white board

Swimming workout Saturday at 12pm

Remembrance day workout Sunday at 9 and 10. Free admission to all service personnel (Fire, Police, EMS, Military)

Goals 5min


Every 2min for 10min

Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 (Build to max)


10min AMRAP

15 wall balls
15 knees to elbows
30 double unders

The Pyro meet is Friday starting at 6pm. The sign up sheet is by the white board. Make sure you enter your weight class, snatch opener and clean and jerk opener. Your opener should be a weight you can do for sure but also competitive.

Swimming wod Saturday at 12 until 1pm

This Sunday, free drop in to all service personnel (fire, ems, cps and military) for Remembrance day

Goals 5min



For time:


Squat cleans 135/95
Ring dips

Maintenance/ Mobility 15min

Focus on splits

The CrossFit Pyro Olympic Lifting meet is this Friday starting at 1800hrs. 1st lift at 1830. Full details tomorrow.


10min EMOM alt min

5 handstand push
6 pistols


4 rounds for time:

120ft bear crawl
25 kettlebell swings 53/35
25 sit ups



split stretch

Goals 10min


Rogue Lift off workout

15min AMRAP
25 pull ups
50 cal row
100 overhead squats 45/35
50 box jumps
25 pull ups

If scaling, aim for completing at least 1 full round.

Maintenance/ Mobility

Couch stretch 2min per side
Banded shoulder opener
Lower back roll

No classes (Good time to stretch, just saying!)

Open gym from 10 to 12

Back at it Sunday at 9/10 and open gym at 11

CrossFit Pyro is getting smarter this weekend by getting the knowledge bomb of the CrossFit Competitor’s course in Denver, Colorado. This is a great opportunity to learn from veteran games athletes(Matt Chan and Chris Spealer) on everything fitness. From programming, nutrition, movement efficiencies and mental toughness to name a few. Expect a mini seminar in the next couple week that will cover everything from it. This seminar will obviously be free to every member. Stay tuned for more info.

CrossFit Pyro’s in house Olympic lifting meet is next friday starting at 6pm until 9pm. This is nothing to be scared off, this is just like any other workout except that the format is geared towards true olympic lifting meet style. Everybody gets 6 lifts, 3 snatches, 3 clean and jerks. The weight can only stay the same or go up. There is weight classes so you are not “competing” against everyone. We just did 8 weeks of Olympic lifting, it’s time get some prs. 20$ per person, all proceed go towards gear. We have competition plates and change plates coming.

Swimming wod is Saturday Nov 12th from 12 until 1pm. We keep hearing about all these good swimmers within our members, maybe it’s time for them to show us how it’s done!!!!


5 min


15min to find 1 rep max Snatch

rest 5min

15min to find 1 rep max Clean and Jerk



Happy Birthday Coach Prime!!!! 33 burpees for everybody

Goals: 5 min


10 min to find highest box jump and longest standing jump


“October 27th part II”

5 rounds, each for time:

20 cal row
10 bodyweight bench press
10 strict weighted pull ups 35/25

2min rest between rounds




Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


For time:

100 overhead squats 95/65

Everytime you break, perform 5 bar facing burpees

Upcoming events reminder:

Rogue lift off: Start Nov 3rd. Oly lifts Friday Nov 4th and the workout Sunday Nov 6th. Register on the crossfit games website.

Pyro meet: Friday Nov 11th. Starts at 6pm, first lift at 630pm. Full rule book tomorrow. 20$, olympic lifting style friendly meet. 6 lifts each, judges, 1 lifter at a time. Bring your onesie…Make sure you sign up on the sheet by the white board.

Swimming workout at the Renfrew public pool Saturday Nov 12th at 1200.

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