No classes today. Absolute rest. Take time to stretch and roll, in the long you will greatly benefit from it. Back at it Sunday at 0900 and 1000 for an awesome Hero WOD. Open gym and Fundamentals 2: Gymnastics at 1100. See you all Sunday

Note: If you have a weight vest, bring it Sunday:0)

Moving forward, the board with results will be posted with the WOD post on the website. Also, on the each post, there’s a comment section that would be awesome to fill up. Not everybody is connected through facebook or other social media so as a community it would be awesome to connect together through our website. That way we have everything in one place, nobody excluded. Last thing, if you post anything Pyro on Instagram, make sure you put #crossfitpyro as it connects directly to the gallery page on the website. Here’s the WOD:

Oly lift W7D3

Every 2min for 12min

1 clean and jerk @85% or 1rm


For time:


Dumbbell snatch 35/25
Knees to elbows


Muay Thai at 1930 with White Monk martial arts. Open gym from 1900 until 1930


Every 2min for 10min

3 front squats (build to max)


3 2min rounds for reps:

6 sled push 370/280
Max burpees

rest 2min


3 2min rounds for reps:

12 shuttle runs 30ft
Max dumbbell overhead lunges 35/25

2min rest

Score is total reps of burpees and lunges combined

Oly lift W7D2

Muscle snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Power snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1

For time:

30 dumbbell manmakers 35/25

Acc. work
Not for time:

40 GHD sit ups
40 hip extensions


Banded distractions

Muay Thai this Thursday at 1930. You can sign in with RhinoFit. CrossFit is about trying new things, breaking the mold, evolving and constantly learning. Here’s your chance to do something new or just to change it up.

Coming up soon:
Gymnastic drop in in a gymnastics club
Swimming workout at the Renfrew public pool
5k run
and much more

Friendly reminder, make sure you sign in for classes

Video analysis of the snatch and clean and jerk next week Monday and Wednesday respectively

WOD of the living dead is Friday October 28th. Costumes would be awesome, Zombies if you can. Also, bring your own pumpkin (BYOP), think something like a med ball, bring the heaviest you can find:0)

Here’s the wod:


10min EMOM alt minute

30sec inverted work (kick to handstand, hold, handstand walk)
30sec hanging hip touches


20min AMRAP

15 cal row
5 strict ring dips
15 step ups 20inch 25/35 dumbbells
5 strict pull ups

Huge thank you to everyone for coming over today. We’ll say it again, this place would not be what it is without you. Less than a year ago we were in our garage, we were named Free Radical box and we had big dreams. We’re finally here, the best group of people, a wicked space, a programming that is fun and gets us results. We truly have it all. That being, we’re only at the beginning, we have so many things to come and our community keeps growing everyday. Thank you. Here’s the workout:

Oly lift W7D1

Every 2min for 10min

5 hang power snatch


Every min on the min

1 snatch balance


8min AMRAP

5 double unders
5 dumbbell hang power cleans
5 dumbell shoulder to overhead

Note: There is no prescribed weight for the dumbbells but pick something challenging that allows you to keep moving. Suggested weight: 35/25


1200: Workout 1

“Mini Cindy”

As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

1300: Workout 2

For time:

Med ball clusters 20/14
Sit ups

Time cap: 10min

1400: Workout 3

5 rounds for time:

10 sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
10 lunges with plate overhead 45/35
10 shoulder to overhead 75/55

Time cap: 12min

1500: Workout 4

For time:

30 burpees over the bar
25 box jumps over 24/20
20 deadlifts 95/65
15 hang power cleans 95/65
10 front squats 95/65
5 wall climbs

Time cap: 10min

Every workout is fully scalable to your capacity. If you can’t do some of the movements or weight as prescribed, don’t worry, we’ll find the right thing to do for you. For those doing all 4 workouts and competing, each workout must be performed as prescribed. This is not a judged event, honor system will be used.

CrossFit Pyro’s Official Opening Day Outline

1100: Doors Open

1200: Workout 1
1300: Workout 2
1400: Workout 3
1500: Workout 4

1600: Top 3 Male and Female podium

ceremony for those that have completed all the workouts

1615: Dodgeball/ Spikeball/ Speedball

1700: BBQ and Drinks

Open Gym at 1pm until 2pm

Box clean up at 2pm for the grand opening Sunday. We could use some help if available.

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