“The Pyro chipper” For time: 40 ghd sit ups 40 wall balls 20/14 40 chest to bar pull ups 40 sandbag manmaker 45/35 40 handstand push ups 40 box jumps 30/24 40 kettlebell swings 70/53 40 cal row Note: Movements can be performed in any order

Snatch/ clean and jerk lifts Friday Nov 4th Rogue lift off workout  Sunday Nov 6th Hello Pyromanians, just a quick post on our upcoming in house meet (aka olympic lifting competition). The date as been set, it will be Friday night November 4th, time to be determined later. Here are the weight classes: Men –…

Oly lift W2D2 Shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3 @40% of 1rm clean and jerk (Adjust weight if too light) High hang squat clean 1-1-1-1-1-1 Build up to max with good technique. Just like the high hang snatch Monday, this is to develop speed under bar and not necessarily to lift as heavy as you can. Stand with…

Skills 12min EMOM Evens: 30 double unders Odds: 15ft handstand walk METCON 5min AMRAP 6 dumbell squat snatch 6 knees to elbows 2min rest Repeat 5min AMRAP Note: No prescribed weight for the dumbell snatch, pick a weight that allows you to keep moving while keeping good technique and range of motion Caution: We will…

Oly lift W2D1 High hang snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1 Snatch Pulls 3-3-3-3 @110% or 1rm Front squat 3-3-3-3 with 3 sec pause at bottom @65% or 1rm clean and jerk METCON For time: 27-21-15-9 Cal row Thruster 75/55 Lateral jumps over the bar Acc work 30 slow ghd sit ups 30 slow back extension

We’re adding a 5pm on some days from now on. The goal is to have a 4/5/6/7/8 every day of the week starting in October. Also coming soon is a 7am. They won’t be everyday so make sure you check the schedule. Don’t forget to sign in

911 memorial workout 343 burpees for time Divide the 343 burpees by the amount of people in class. The more the better. 10 people is 34 burpees each. This is really meaningful, for the 343 firefighters that died in the line of duty September 11th 2001 Then “DT” 5 rounds for time: 12 deadlifts 155/115…

Rest day…for some of us Team Free Radicals and Scale and bail will be at the Rocky Mountain Crusher killing it. You can come and cheers us at 2:00 and 2:20. This will be a lot of fun. Hopefully next year we can field more teams. Back for regular classes Sunday morning at 9/10 and…

Oly lift prog W1D3 Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 Clean pulls 2-2-2-2-2-2 @110% of clean and jerk 1rm Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 METCON 5 rounds for time 5 ring muscle ups 5 box jumps 40/30 Acc. work Max paralettes L-sit hold x 5

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