Hey Pyromanians, the memorial stairs workout this Saturday has been moved from 0900 to 0930.
Please arrive at 0930 if you’re coming. Expect a general warmup, a nice little workout and a cool down. Bring your Pyro hoodie or Tshirt.

This is free to everyone and if you want to bring a friend go ahead. We’ll have gear for everyone. I’ll be posting the workout Friday. This is our chance to go out and do something different. Again, if you’re coming you can sign up with RhinoFit, this will give us an idea of how many are coming.

“Fat Grace”

For time:

30 clean and jerk 205/155

Note: If scaling, aim for approx. 70% of your 1rm clean and jerk. All squat cleans and focus on technique more than speed.


60 GHD sit ups or 100 sit ups for time

“Fat Grace” and the sit ups are separated


For time:


Wall balls 20/14
Box jumps 24/20
Kettlebell swings 53/35

“Fat Isabel”

For time:

30 snatches 165/125


Accumulate 3 min of paralette L-sit hold

Note: Squat snatch please

Oly lift W4D1

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 overhand grip

Front squat 5-5-5-5-5 1sec pause at bottom


For time:


Sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
Ring dips

Closer: 100 double unders

Bring a friend week until Friday. Let us know when, how many and you’re set.


Team of 2, 1 person work at a time

Back from the “Ash”es

For time:

20 sled push 370/280
20 Snatch 135/95
20 L-sit pull ups
20 hang cleans 155/105
20 burpees over the box 48/40
20 bar/ring muscle ups
20 bear crawl sand bag shuttle 30ft 55/45

200m run between each movement

20min time cap


15 min to find 3 rep max bench press

Join us Saturday October 1st 0900hrs at the memorial stairs for a special outdoor wod. Expect some sandbags, kettlebells and medballs to make an appearance. You can sign in on RhinoFit, everybody welcome.

Bring a friend week starts Sunday September 25th until Friday september 30th. Bring a friend any day, any time, any workouts, as many times as you want. Just let us know how many, when and you’re set.

Rest day but….

10 to 20min full body stretch rx, no scalling options. Everybody can rx this

See you all Sunday at 9 and 10 for regular classes and 11 open gym.

Bring a friend week: Sun Sept 25th to Fri Sept 30th

Everyday of that week you can bring a friend for free to classes, anytime, any workout, just let us know how many and when. No experience required. Beginners should expect to scale the workouts and movements.

Girls night wod: Fri Oct 7th 1800 sign up sheet at the box and Rhinofit schedule

Grand Opening: Sun Oct 16th 1200 to 1600 sign up sheet and RhinoFit schedule

Tshirt order is going in October 1st. Every pioneers gets one but if you want extras make sure you write your name, size and quantity on the order sheet by the white board.


Clean pulls 2-2-2-2-2 @110% of 1rm
Front squat 10min build up to max
Jerk 10mim to build up to max


5min AMRAP

3 thrusters 135/95
4 strict pull ups

Skills/ technique Pvc pipe snatch/ clean and jerk METCON 20min AMRAP 20 cal row 20 hand release push ups 20 lunges

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