“Team Chipper” For this workout, the amount of reps stays the same regardless of how many people are in your team. The more that comes, the easier it’s gonna be. A team of 2 would have to do way more work than a team of 4, just saying!!! Show your support, be a team player….

Our nutrition challenge is simply based on this: “Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat”(CrossFit Journal, world class fitness in 100 words). Now, we won’t be going crazy with this but at the end of the…

Rest for time Back at it Sunday at 0900 and 1000. We’ll be doing a wicked Team chipper. The more of us, the more fun it’s gonna be. Notice the 1100 is now an Open gym session. See you all Sunday. More details on the Nutrition challenge next.

Hello Pyromanians, we have a challenge. For the month of August we’ll be introducing a nutrition challenge. We’ll have more information on that tomorrow.  Also, August will be our weakness month. Pick 2 of your weaknesses and every day we’ll spend time on it. It can be anything, muscle up, pistols, overhead squat, snatch, pull…

Strength  W2D3 Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 Push press 5-5-5-5-5 METCON 4 rounds for time Run 400m 10 barbell turkish get ups 45/35

Strength Bench press 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Pendlay row 5-5-5-5-5 METCON PYROMANIA I final event 3 rounds of 2min for reps Row 25 cals Max thrusters Rest 2min between rounds, score is total thrusters for all 3 rounds Note: round 1 at 75/55, round 2 at 95/75 and round 3 at 135/95

Strength W2D2 Muscle snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3 (3 sec pause at bottom) METCON 8 min AMRAP 2 wall balls 20/14 2 toes to bar Add 2 reps after every completed rounds

Tuesday Hero “MONTI” 5 rounds for time: 50 step ups 45/35 barbells 20 inch box 15 cleans 135/95 50 step ups 45/35 barbells 20 inch box 10 snatch 135/95 Note: 20 inch box for both male and female athletes. Power cleans, power snatches. Scale accordingly, this is a tough one, it will take some time…

Hello everyone, CrossFit Pyro would like to thank all of you for taking part in Pyromania I. It wouldn’t be what it was without you. You guys showed up, crushed the workouts and looks like everyone had a blast doing it. Less than a month ago, CrossFit Pyro was in a garage at our residence,…

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