Event 1: The drowning 

10 min AMRAP

50 meters swim
5 pool muscle ups
15 squats

After every successful rounds, the swim will increase by 50 meters. Round 2, 100 meters/ round 3, 150 meters…

Score is total reps. Each 25 meters equals 1 rep

Event 2 and 3: Suicide run/ suicide hill

On a 10 min running clock. From 0 to 4 minutes

Perform 840 feet shuttle run. Turn around every 95 feet. Score for event 2 is time to complete the event. Once completed, rest until the 4 minute mark then start event 3 (From minute 4 to 10)

Event 3: Suicide hill

6 min AMRAP

95 feet hill shuttle run

2 sprints (Unloaded)
3 sprints with a med ball 20/14
Max sprints with sand bag 70/45

Each 95 feet equals 1 rep. Score is total reps

Event 4 and 5: Max clean/ 21-15-9

On a 15 minute running clock

From 0 to 8, Establish max clean
Then, from 8 to 15, start event 5

Event 5: Death by bodyweight

For time: 21-15-9
Burpee box jump overs 24/20
Bodyweight deadlift

Final event: 

Top 5 male and female athletes. Event TBA

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