CANWEST GAMES workout #2 is happening Sunday at 0900/ 1000 and 1100. This will be our workout for the day for regular classes as well. Here’s the today’s workout. Skills/ strength Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 METCON For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Double squat wall balls 20/14 Med ball russian twist 20/14

Strength Split jerks 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 Then Not for time: 30-20-10 Hand release push ups 15-10-5 Strict pull ups If the push ups are too easy, add a slight deficit like 10 or 15lbs plates under your hands and feet. If you can do all the pull ups unbroken or in a few sets, go weighted.

METCON For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Triple unders GHD sit ups Deadlifts 185/135 Maintenance Mobility/ stretch/ roll 

Skills The ring muscle up METCON For time: 12-9-6 Ring muscle ups Bodyweight front squats

Friendly reminder: Parkout is Saturday May 28th 1530 until 1730, only 2 spots left.  Skills/ strength E2M10M 3 high hang squat snatch (Build to max) METCON 12 minutes AMRAP 3 knees to elbows 3 burpee box jumps 30/24 6 knees to elbows 6 burpee box jumps 30/24 9 knees to elbows 9 burpee box jumps…

Rest No classes today but don’t forget about body maintenance. It is as important if not more than being fit and have a good lifestyle. While being active and doing intense workouts, your body gets soar, muscles gets tighter, tendons more fragile and you must take the time to stretch it out. We’re planning a…

Join us for the CANWEST GAMES workout 1 at 1300hrs until 1500hrs. Do the workout or just come and cheer us, everybody welcome. We might have some refreshing beverage afterwards. Here’s the workout details:

Technique Clean and jerk Strength E2M10M 5 hang power clean + push press (Build to max) METCON For time: 30-20-10 Wall balls 20/14 Kettlebell swings 53/35

Mount pleasant comm hall WOD For reps, teams of 2: Tabata sit ups Rest 2 minutes Tabata jumping alt lunges Rest 2 minutes Tabata under overs Rest 2 minutes Tabata jumping squats Rest 2 minutes During the 2 minutes rest period, both team members must handstand walk 25ft each, the distance not covered will get…

KING KONG 3 rounds for time: 1 deadlift 455/ 340 2 ring muscle ups 3 cleans 245/185 4 hansdtand push ups Scale according to your 1RM. Example, if a male athlete has a 455 1RM deadlift, scale to about 80%. Same for the cleans. The ring muscle ups can be scaled in many ways. Chest…

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