Deadline for the apparel order is Sunday. If interested, don’t forget to write down your order on the sheet at the box. There is a Pyromania and Parkour sign up sheet at the box. You don’t want to miss out. We’re still planning a track day in the very near future. Stay tuned for details….

Skills and mobility Squat and overhead squat METCON 4 rounds for time: 200m dash 12 Deadlift 155/115 9 one hand dumbbell squat snatch 35/25 6 strict knees to elbows  

Skills 12 min EMOM Even: 1 peg board ascent  Odd: 20 double unders METCON 4 min AMRAP 10 hspu 10 box jumps 30/24 1 min rest 3 min AMRAP 10 hang power clean 95/65 10 box jumps 24/20 1 min rest 2 min AMRAP 10 shoulder to overhead 95/65 10 burpees over the bar 1…

Huge announcement: CrossFit Pyro will be doing it’s 1st annual competition. PYROMANIA I, Saturday July 23rd. This competition is for everyone, no Rx, no scaling, just you, the workouts, a judge and the best time of your life. How is that possible you ask? Trust me it’s possible! There is many more details to come…

“EVA” 5 rounds for time: 800m run 30 kettlebell swings 70/53 30 pull ups **NO TIME CAP**

No classes, back at it Sunday morning for a date with EVA. Stretch it out, give it a good head to toe stretch. Roll out some kinks and be ready for Sunday.  The Mount Pleasant Community Hall is coming soon, let’s make this big, tell your friend and family.  Parkour May 28th is limited to…

Skills Pull ups 101 METCON 2 rounds for time and reps  500m row Burpees Sit ups Lunges Push ups Squats 3min rest between rounds You rotate excercise when the person on the rower is done the 500m row. 

No classes, back at it Friday. This is the perfect time to stretch and roll. Recover well. We’ll have a pull up clinic friday. We’ll cover the hollow body and arch position, beat swing, kipping and the butterfly pull up. This is for everybody, whatever your skill level is you’ll find something to work on…

METCON 5 rounds for time and reps of: Max reps bodyweight back squat 15 wall balls 30 double unders Maintenance Roll/ stretch

Death by pull ups Min 1= 1 pull up, min 2= 2 pull ups…continue until you can no longer complete the reps Death by thrusters 95/65 Same format as the pull ups Note: this is going to be tough Other note: shave those calluses now

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