Track WOD, let’s meet at the Foothills Athletic park for 1100hrs. Try to make a bit earlier so we can start right at 1100hrs. You can park off 24th avenue by the aquatic center then head down the hill. Click on the link below for the location:,-114.1253887,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x53716fa695818019:0x918439f79e54dbb9 Here’s the WOD: “GRIFF” For time: 800m…

The CANWEST games registration is still live until May 3rd. The events runs from May 4th to the 30th with Rx and Scaled divisions. Same as with the Open, the workouts will be announced online with a specific deadline to perform them. Submit your score online and compare with other athletes on the leaderboard. If…

No classes today but… Here’s your homework, thanks to mobility wod. Watch the link below and perform. Let’s meet up at the Foothills Athletic park Saturday morning at 1100. Also, slight changes for Sunday classes. We’ll be doing one huge class at 1600hrs only, it’s going to be epic!

METCON 5 – 2 minutes rounds of: 5 strict pull ups 15 kettlebell swings 53/35 Max double unders Rest 2 minutes between rounds Note: Your score is total double unders for 5 rounds. No singles, double attempts are accepted.

Mark your calendar. Track day at the foothills Athletic Park is this Saturday April 30th at 1100. Off Crowchild, go west on 24th avenue and park up the hill. It’s free. See you all there. Strength Split jerk 5-5-5-5-5 METCON 8 rounds for time 8 box jumps 24/20 8 front squats 155/105 8 ring dips…

Strength 15 min to find 1RM bench press METCON 3 rounds for reps 1 min GHD sit ups 1 min deadlifts 185/135 1 min wall balls 20/14 1 min rest

CrossFit Pyro will be at the Foothills track Saturday April 30th. Time TBA. It’s free, outside and you get a wicked workout. See you all there. Skills Double unders, triples, quads (yes quads) Strength 6 min EMOM Even: 8 strict pull ups (or max unbroken) Odd: 8 strict handstand push ups (or max unbroken) METCON…

Deadline for apparel order is today Technique Split jerk METCON For time: 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 Sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65 Burpees over the bar Note: NO TIME CAP Finisher: Tabata sit ups

No classes, back at it Sunday at 0900, 1000 and 1100hrs. But if you have time and feel like it: Run 5000m

Strength Weighted pull ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (Build to max) METCON For time: 30-20-10 Ring dips Goblet squats 53/35

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