Starting this month, we’ll do some strength and skills cycles. We’re going to cover a lot of pull ups and basic strength for April. Many classes will have strength development for pull ups, skills work shop for kipping and the butterfly. Chest to bar pull ups and such. This will open door to the next cycle, bar and ring muscle ups. Basic strength means back squat, deadlift and press. I can assure you, if you stick to it, all your oly lifts will get better and you’ll get stronger. This starts tomorrow with a shoulder press double 5×5. This basic strength cycle will lead us into oly lifts in May.

Schedule change: Classes this weekend will be Saturday at 0900 and 1000. No classes Sunday.


Shoulder press ascending 5-5-5-5-5 (build to max)

Shoulder press descending 5-5-5-5-5 (start at your 4th set weight from the ascending and work your way down)


10 min AMRAP

10 power snatch 75/55
20 double unders

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