Congrats to Ryan and his wife for their new baby girl. Looking forward to see you again in class.  16.5 is happening Thursday night starting at 1800hrs with the live announcement. We’ll be doing the workout right after followed by some refreshments.  Here’s tomorrow: Strength Overhead squats 3-3-3-3-3 (1 sec pause at the bottom) METCON…

Power 10 min EMOM 1 Max distance standing broad jump METCON 10 min AMRAP 5 wall climbs 10 hang power cleans 135/95

No classes today Active recovery, go for a walk, bike ride, jog or row for 10-15 minutes. You’ll feel better. Stretch it out and roll. Do some basic maintenance. Your workout/ recovery ratio should be close to a 1:1. Meaning everytime you workout you should do some basic maintenance, you’ll avoid unnecessary tightness or tweaks. …

Awesome work to everyone who came tonight for the 16.4 workout. It was a tough one but you overcame. Sweet skillz!!! CrossFit Pyro will be at the Mount Pleasant community hall Thursday March 31st 1830 until 1930, bring your friends and family. We had a better than expected turnout last time so we figured we…

CrossFit Open 16.4 We’ll be watching the live announcement at 1800hrs and crush it after. You can still come to regular hours for classes, 16.4 will be the workout for the day, whatever that is!! Keep an open mind as we don’t know what the workout will be, so we might have to do multiple…

Strength E2M12M 1 shoulder press 2 push press 3 push jerk 3 Rounds NOT FOR TIME: 10 ring push ups 10 strict pull ups 10 box jumps 36/30

CF Pyro apparels are in. You can pick your order next time you come in. If you missed out on this order don’t worry, we’ll do another one soon. Mobility Pistols METCON For time: 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/155 Overhead lunges steps 53/35 Burpees over the bar

Strength Power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1 Front squat 1-1-1-1-1-1 with 10lbs more than your 1rm power clean and 1 sec pause at the bottom L-sit crusher 3x max from the hang 3x max from parralettes 10 min mobility  

Partner WOD For time: 400m run 75 kettlebell swings 53/35 75 squats 400m sand bag carry 70/50 75 pull ups 75 situps 400m run 75 box jumps 24/20 75 sumo deadlift high pulls 53/35 400m sand bag carry 70/50 Note: The 400m runs and carries are together, split the reps as needed on the movements….

Today is the international recovery day (We made this up). It’s been a tough week, some brutal wods, the open and some awesome PRs. Now it’s time to stretch and do some basic maintenance. Make sure you take 15 minutes in your day. Just start at the neck and work your way down to shoulders,…

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