CrossFit Pyro will be at the Mount Pleasant Community Hall from 1830 until 1930. If you bring guests, try to arrive couple minutes early so we can get going right at 1830. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Here’s the workout: 3 rounds for reps of: 1 minute of med ball cleans 20/14…

Hero Wednesday “Woehlke” 3 rounds, each for time of: 4 jerks 185/135 5 front squats 185/135 6 power cleans 185/135 40 pull-ups 50 push-ups 60 sit-ups Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Brian Woehlke, 29, of Detroit, Michigan, died at the scene of a fire in Westland, Michigan, on May 8, 2013. Woehlke graduated from the…

Accessory work series Bench press 5-5-5-5-5 Pendlay row 5-5-5-5-5 GHD sit ups 3 x max Back extension 3 x max METCON 3 rounds for time: 1000 meters row Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Easter Monday Open gym at 1000 until 1200 This is a great opportunity to come work on your skills, lifts or anything you may need. If you come in and you’re not sure what to do we’ll find something cool don’t worry. You could redo 16.5 too(if you’re insane). 

Easter, no classes Next classes are Monday at 1000 and 1100

Easter weekend schedule: Saturday/ Sunday: No classes Monday: 0900 and 1000 Take these extra days off to relax, stretch and get some cheat meals. We’ve got an awesome programming to finish the month. See you next time.

Awesome work to those who completed 16.5. It was an absolute mental nightmare. They’re still a few left to do it so make sure you tell them it felt like a nice walk in the park!!! CrossFit Pyro is going to be at the Mount Pleasant community Hall this Thursday from 1830 until 1930, see…

16.5 is tonight. Like the last  couple weeks, we’ll watch the live announcement at 1800hrs and crush it right after. Everybody has been doing awesome so far, let’s keep this up for one more. I invite you guys to look at the CrossFit games leaderboard, Canada West team, we’re doing pretty good considering we’re only…

METCON For time: 21-15-9 Dumbell power snatch 35/25 Pistols Recovery Full body stretch and roll

“Filthy Fifty” For time: 50 Box jump 24/20 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings 35, russian swing for ladies 50 walking lunges steps 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press 45/35 50 back extensions 50 Wall ball shots 20/14 50 Burpees 50 Double unders Happy Tuesday!!!

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